mas and had decided they were just right for part of my "trouseau" for my "honeymoon". I put them on. I wore my cerise chiffon dinner dress with its cute little hat, I had bought a silver beaded evening bag and had found a pair of earrings that were cerise with rhinestones. My evening slippers were spring-o-lators covered with rhine- stones too so the whole ensemble was quite fitting and at- tractive.
I removed my street make-up, shaved closely again and remade my face using some green eye shadow for evening. About this point Frank returned from his business and lay on the bed watching me make final preparations. With every- thing just so I picked up my evening bag and gloves, put my fur stole over my shoulders, rearranged a few curls under my veil and took a last check in the mirror. I was very pleased with the girl who looked back at me--not pretty by any means, but attractive, charming and above all auth- entic--a vivaceous, middle aged wife ready for dinner and an evening of pleasure with her husband.
The motel was just a couple of blocks from the hotel SO we walked to it, I holding Frank's arm as we went. The dining room was on the top floor overlooking the city. We went up in the elevator and were shown to a table near the window. We had a quiet and uneventful dinner surround- ed by other couples and groups. It was very nice. After
dinner we went to a lower floor where they had a cocktail bar, tables, a dancefloor and a small musical combination playing. After ordering drinks--2 Ginger Ales and looking the situation over a bit Frank asked me to dance.
I went out on the floor with considerable trepidation because I hadn't danced at all for a long time, and only once before as a woman and that had been at a party ten years or more before. I didn't know how I'd make out. But Frank took a firm hold of me and led us through some sim- ple steps. I was a bit stiff and standoffish being unused to the role, I held my head carefully away from his and tried to concentrate on following him. I had moderate guc- cess, but pretty soon my neck began to get a crick because